Are you teaching with the First Grade Eureka Math Curriculum? Four years ago when I made the switch to first from second, my school also bought a new math curriculum: Eureka Math (Engage NY). I will be honest with you . . . I struggled with this program at first. It seemed to be too advanced for my firsties and it seemed like SO much was packed into each lesson. Fast forward three years and this First Grade Eureka Math program has brought my first graders so much success in math. The mental math skills that this program instills into their little minds is truly amazing.
So how did I change from struggling to thriving? GAMES. I’ll say it once, and I’ll say it again . . . these kids thrive from playing games in the classroom! After teaching the First Grade Eureka Math Curriculum for a few months, I knew I had to add some pizzazz to make it fun and engaging. Have you ever struggled through the whole group lesson or the problem set? That was me, too. Now I change my guided practice into a fun game for every single lesson because it keeps the students engaged and asking for more!
First Grade Eureka Math Lesson Schedule
The First Grade Eureka Math Curriculum is comprehensive and effective. However, I felt that my first graders needed more concrete practice before I threw the problem set at them to complete on their own. I switched up my instruction using this schedule:
- Fluency Slides and Application Problem: I use these First Grade Eureka Math Fluency Slides to keep the students (and myself) on track during the fluency portion of the lesson.
- Concept Development: Introduce the lesson concept. I incorporate my games into this section.
- Whole Group Lesson Game: I use these First Grade Eureka Math Games to play a game as a whole group. These games align directly to the First Grade Eureka Math problem sets for the lesson and give the students guided practice before they jump into the problem set on their own. You can even use the problem set in some of the games!
- Problem Set and Exit Ticket: After playing the First Grade Eureka Math Games, the students are ready to complete work on their own.
First Grade Eureka Math Games Module 1 Lessons 30-31
Most of these games can be played as a whole group or in small groups. I love playing them altogether as a class to give repeated practice. Playing as a whole group also makes for less prep time! You only have to prep one game for the whole class rather than materials for centers or stations. Most of the games require minimal prep. Here are some of my favorite games from First Grade Eureka Math Module 1.
Doggy, Doggy, Who Has The Bone?
I created this game to use with First Grade Eureka Math Module 1 Lesson 30. All you will need is the word problem worksheets (or the Eureka problem sets) and the printed out number bones included in the game.
- Print the word problem pages front to back and give each student a copy. You may also choose to use the problem set.
- Cut out the bones and give one to each student, and have them keep their number secret from you and the class. Adjust the number of bones to match your class size.
- Solve one word problem together. Then have the whole class chant, “Doggy, doggy, who has the bone?” The teacher will then get three guesses to guess which student has the bone with the answer to the word problem on it. If the teacher does not guess correctly, the students earn a point. If the teacher guesses correctly, collect the bone and the teacher earns a point.
- See who has the most points after solving all of the word problems: the teacher or students!
Don’t Eat Pete
I created this game to use with First Grade Eureka Math Module 1 Lesson 31. All you will need is the word problem worksheets (or the Eureka problem sets) and some type of different colored candy. My favorite to use is Skittles!
- Pass out the worksheet to the students.
- Place a handful of Skittles (or other candy) on the Don’t Eat Pete game board. Explain that after each word problem, you will be secretly choosing one Skittle to be “Pete.” You don’t want to eat Pete!
- Have the students solve the first problem. Call on one student to share their answer. If they are correct, they get to come up to pick a Skittle. If they do not pick “Pete,” the students earn a point. Each time a student chooses “Pete,” the teacher earns a point.
- Continue playing until all problems have been solved. The kids love it!
First Grade Eureka Math Module 1 Lesson 37
Pirate’s Booty
I created this game to use with First Grade Eureka Math Module 1 Lesson 37. To play the game, you will need the equation sheet (or problem set) and a cup full of “Pirate’s Booty.” Pirate’s Booty could be plastic coins, candy, counters, etc.
- To play whole group, split the class into teams and give each team 5 pieces of “Pirate’s Booty.”
- Have all students solve the first equation. Call on a student from team 1 to share the answer.
- If they are correct, they get to choose a team to steal a piece of Pirate’s Booty from or they can steal from the main cup!
- Solve the next problem, and choose a student from team 2 to share the answer and steal a piece of Pirate’s Booty.
- Continue solving equations until you have completed the whole sheet. Then have the teams count their Pirate’s Booty to see who has the most!
engage ny math activities
My first graders love these games year after year. They are my favorite supplement for the First Grade Eureka Math Curriculum. I hope this post gave you some fresh ideas to bring into your classroom to teach Eureka Math!
If you need more math games, check out this FREE Noggle game!